Introduction to TwoFactor Commands
Using TwoFactor Commands
Install the NuGet package DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands
into your project.
You'll also need DiscordSharp.Interactivity
Enable the extension by calling UseTwoFactor on your DiscordClient instance:
using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;
// ...
Basic Operations
Enrolling a user in two factor
To enroll a user in two factor, call EnrollTwoFactor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.
using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;
// ...
[SlashCommand("enroll", "Enroll in two factor")]
public static async Task EnrollTwoFactor(InteractionContext ctx)
// ...
var (Secret, QrCode) = ctx.Client.EnrollTwoFactor(ctx.User);
// Either send the QR code to the user, or the secret.
// QrCode is a MemoryStream you can use with DiscordWebhookBuilder.AddFile as example.
Example way to ask a user to register their two factor:
Disenrolling a user in two factor
To disenroll a user from two factor, call DisenrollTwoFactor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.
using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;
// ...
[SlashCommand("disenroll", "Disenroll from two factor"), ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactor]
public static async Task DisenrollTwoFactor(InteractionContext ctx)
// ...
Check if a user is enrolled in two factor
To check the enrollment of a user, use the function CheckTwoFactorEnrollmentFor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.
using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;
// ...
// ...
Using TwoFactor with Application Commands
To force a command to require two factor, use the ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactorAttribute attribute.
[SlashCommand("some_tfa_command", "This command can only be used with tfa"), ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactor]
To ask a user to submit their two factor code, use the function RequestTwoFactorAsync() on your BaseContext.
It returns a TwoFactorResponse.
var tfa_result = await ctx.RequestTwoFactorAsync();
if (tfa_result.Result != TwoFactorResult.ValidCode)
// Handle incorrect code
// Do your stuff
Using TwoFactor with Buttons
Using two factor authentication on buttons is pretty similar to slash commands but it'll need a DiscordClient to attach to.
Run RequestTwoFactorAsync() on your ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs to ask the user for the two factor auth code.
Same deal as for slash commands, it'll return a TwoFactorResponse.
async Task SomeButtonInteraction(DiscordClient sender, ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs e)
var tfa_result = await e.RequestTwoFactorAsync(sender);
if (tfa_result.Result != TwoFactorResult.ValidCode)
// Handle incorrect code
// Do your stuff
The user will be asked to submit their two factor code like this: