Table of Contents

Introduction to TwoFactor Commands

Using TwoFactor Commands


Install the NuGet package DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands into your project.

You'll also need DiscordSharp.Interactivity.

Enable the extension by calling UseTwoFactor on your DiscordClient instance:

using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;

// ...


Basic Operations

Enrolling a user in two factor

To enroll a user in two factor, call EnrollTwoFactor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.

using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;

// ...
[SlashCommand("enroll", "Enroll in two factor")]
public static async Task EnrollTwoFactor(InteractionContext ctx)
    // ...
    var (Secret, QrCode) = ctx.Client.EnrollTwoFactor(ctx.User);

    // Either send the QR code to the user, or the secret.
    // QrCode is a MemoryStream you can use with DiscordWebhookBuilder.AddFile as example.

Example way to ask a user to register their two factor:

Example Enroll

Disenrolling a user in two factor

To disenroll a user from two factor, call DisenrollTwoFactor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.

using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;

// ...
[SlashCommand("disenroll", "Disenroll from two factor"), ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactor]
public static async Task DisenrollTwoFactor(InteractionContext ctx)
    // ...

Check if a user is enrolled in two factor

To check the enrollment of a user, use the function CheckTwoFactorEnrollmentFor(DiscordUser.Id) on your DiscordClient instance.

using DisCatSharp.Extensions.TwoFactorCommands;

// ...


// ...

Using TwoFactor with Application Commands

To force a command to require two factor, use the ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactorAttribute attribute.

[SlashCommand("some_tfa_command", "This command can only be used with tfa"), ApplicationCommandRequireEnrolledTwoFactor]

To ask a user to submit their two factor code, use the function RequestTwoFactorAsync() on your BaseContext.

It returns a TwoFactorResponse.

var tfa_result = await ctx.RequestTwoFactorAsync();

if (tfa_result.Result != TwoFactorResult.ValidCode)
    // Handle incorrect code

// Do your stuff

Using TwoFactor with Buttons

Using two factor authentication on buttons is pretty similar to slash commands but it'll need a DiscordClient to attach to.

Run RequestTwoFactorAsync() on your ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs to ask the user for the two factor auth code.

Same deal as for slash commands, it'll return a TwoFactorResponse.

async Task SomeButtonInteraction(DiscordClient sender, ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs e)
    var tfa_result = await e.RequestTwoFactorAsync(sender);

    if (tfa_result.Result != TwoFactorResult.ValidCode)
        // Handle incorrect code

    // Do your stuff

The user will be asked to submit their two factor code like this:

Example Request